Contact Dean

Contacting Dean Richardson by Email/Form or Telephone…


All times are UK

Appointments for Counselling
Day of WeekTimes of Day
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Dean is not available from Monday 8th July to Sunday 4th August (inclusive), though he may still be available to respond to enquiries and emails.

Due to a busy time few appointments are currently available. Cases do conclude from time to time and you're welcome to reserve your preferred appointments for when they become available (get in touch…).

You are about to contact Dean Richardson to enquire about counselling sessions for gay couples.

Contacting Dean via the Contact Form (below) is much swifter than by telephone.

I use a 24/7 telephone messaging service and calling you back at a time when you’re at your phone can be a bit hit-and miss.

Using our contact form allows me to email both you and your partner back without you having to be at your computer … and I aim to reply to your message within 2 days.

If you do telephone me, and I have been unable to speak with you or leave a message, I will make no more than two attempts.  If you request I contact you by telephone and you have not heard back from me within 2 days, please contact me again but using the form-method instead.

Dean’s Counselling Service is relocated to Dean Richardson – Counsellor for Gay Couples (…

Contact Dean Richardson.

Due to email SPAM problems, I have moved my contact form to my other website at Havant Counselling – this way you get a consistent service & better chance of receiving my replies (which are sometimes filtered out of your Inbox by GMail’s anti-spam filters etc).

Click the button to be transferred to

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